Sunday, June 30, 2013

Our first Sunday together
and our first visit to the Sacred Grove

and the Log Home. We miraculously fit 30 people in the upper room
where Joseph had his visitation from the angel Moroni.
Have your son tell you about it when he gets home about his walk back to the
Hill from the Log Home. The same trip Joseph made each year to visit with Moroni.
They were blessed with a fairly cool and partly cloudy day. Quite the contrast to
the experience the 2012 work crew had.



LeAnn Hanks said...

Sis. Hess,
Thank you so much for sharing your pictures with us WC moms! We are so grateful for your willings to take some time out of your busy schedule to post & blog about our boys. It is so great to be able to see what the boys are experiencing through your pictures!
Thank you, thank you!
LeAnn Hanks (Ammon Hanks)