Saturday, June 29, 2019


Brother Hess and I have been here for a week now and things are looking good for our 2019 year at Paegant. The Wind Tunnel, what we affectionately call the bunk house for the Work Crew, and the Day Room (where we hold our devotionals), are bug free, leaf free, dirt free (well almost), and awaiting the arrival of the 4 District Leaders in 3 days and the 24 new young men that will arrive 2 days later who will be the 2019 Work Crew.

The Wind Tunnel 

It is called the Wind Tunnel  because back in the old days before an air conditioner was installed the only cooling system was to open the garage doors at both ends and turn on a huge floor fan to keep the air moving! These young men have it MUCH easier!!!

The Day Room

Try to imagine 28 young men, 3 -5 leaders all crammed into this room! It get's pretty cozy :)
This is where we meet each evening to close out the day, answer questions, and finish out our day with prayer and hugs!! YEP, we give LOTS of hugs here!!
The young men also hold their Daily Lessons her as well. Each young man has the opportunity to present a spiritual lesson to his 27 brothers.

The Dining Fly

This is where we eat all our meals that are deliciously prepared by The Log Cabin Restaurant, a local restaurant that has been serving the Work Crew for over 15 years. 
rain or shine this is where it happens!


Unknown said...

Love seeing where our boys will be for the next month! I'm excited for the opportunity that they will have to work and bond as they dedicate themselves to the work that is required of them! Thanks for the photos!