Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It begins again!!!!! YEAH


2014 Hill Cumorah Work Crew begins!

 We are heading off to the airport to pick up the 4 returning District Leaders, Brother Hilton, Brother Krebs, Brother Thibaudeau, and Brother Tuttle. We are also picking up Brother Steadman, our Work Crew Assistant, who has spent the past 36 hours trying to get to the Hill from Salt Lake City...UGH!
he will no doubt be exhausted right along with the District Leaders. Gotta love the airlines...and the weather. massive thunderstorms were part of the problem. makes for some wet, muggy beginnings!
Friday the other 24 young men arrive, hopefully on time. then the "real" fun begins.
we are so excited for this year and really look forward to working with our returnees and the new young men. each year is different, but each year is fabulous as well.
Pictures to follow.