Monday, July 22, 2019

 Closing Night!!!

 Preparing to greet our guests.

Under and behind the scenes.

During the Destruction scene this is a super highway of boys running, sliding, and crawling through this obstacle course of beams and poles and cables to make their cues for the effects they are responsible for. It is 76 seconds of intensity. I have such a testimony that this is the Lord's work because of this scene and the fact that not a single young man has ever been injured during this scene that takes place in complete darkness,

King Noah...he is a BIG dude!!!

Parts of the boat.

Our amazing follow-spot operators!
These young men do in 8 days what it takes professionals to do after years of training.

Boat Captain and his crew!

Movie night at the Visitor's Center/

Followed by a wonderful devotional with Brother Mike Braegger who if the Master Electrician for the Church. He had great counsel and direction for the young men. Be sure to ask your son about this evening.


Unknown said...

Brother Broce be lookn goood! :)