Monday, July 15, 2013

Ye Elders of Israel

The picture quality may not be the best due to a BlogSpot issue but the sound is
As you can see, the Golden Spoon Bake-off has begun.
The work Crew loves this week. They get so many yummy treats from the cast...
who just love them to pieces.

Thought you might want to see the church's largest sacrament table!
I couldn't even get it all in the picture.
The Work Crew has the privilege of preparing, blessing, and passing the sacrament
 to the 782 members of the cast and staff.


LeAnn Hanks said...

The boys sound great! Thank you Sis. Hess for posting & sharing some of the happenings of the work crew, especially for those of us who are so far away !! Thank you !