Saturday, June 29, 2019

2019 Work Crew District Leaders!

These are our 4 District Leaders who are returning to Work Crew for a second year with a desire to be able to give your son the experience that they each had last year. They have been preparing for this role for the past 5 months and we are VERY confident that they will be just what the Lord needs to bless your son.

Left to right, Brother Larchar, Brother Rytting, Brother Davis, and Brother Holbrook.

Leaving the Airport  after a few delays etc....

Those are some HAPPY faces! :)

Traditional Subway lunch before heading to the Hill.
(Brother davis has not arrived yet...hence the delay part of the former post)


Unknown said...

Yayyyyyy! So stoked to start seeing new posts here. These four you men are so AWESOME! It has been inspiring to watch them prepare and teach each other over the last few months.