Saturday, June 29, 2019


Broterh Walton is our Assistant for the next 2 years. He was on the Work Crew in 2016 and 2017 as a District Leader. right after Work Crew  he left on his mission to Africa, serving in the Ghana Acra West Mission. He had some amazing experiences there and grew to LOVE to people and the culture and the Work of the Lord. you could not find a finer young man anywhere. his heart is pure and his desire to serve God and these young men is truly remarkable. we are thrilled that he is willing to give up the next two summers to be here with us.
He is currently a student at BYU on an educational track that he hopes will lead him to being a PA in the future.
i am sure that you will here LOTS about Brother Walton when your son returns from his Work Crew experience in a month.

As a side note, I just want to thank you all for sending your son to share this experience with us this summer. as a mom, I can only imagine the anxiety of sending your son a long way from home on an airplane to spend a month with people you do not know and a place you may not have ever been. but because of your faith and testimony in our Savior and His Church you want your son to come and have this privilege. and a privilege it truly is. I am confident that your son will come a different person because of his experience here. That is our sincere prayer and desire for him. that is why we do what we do and LOVE it!